All crossword puzzle questions » Page 360

Crossword CluesLetters
Embellish 9
Extinct bird 12
Volleyball divider 18
Parts of orchids 16
"Fleeing" poet Jackson 22
Flowerpot dirt 14
Socially off-limits 19
Oxford or loafer 16
...-B [toothpaste brand] 24
"Clever!" 9
"Bottoms up!" 13
Social classes 14
Prefix for "logical" or "analyst" 33
Bobby ... [hair holder] 23
Cons' counterparts 18
Base of some paints 19
Like some green forest floors 29
Zinfandel and other wines 25
"We can say we tied" 20
Pets that, according to a meme, can have a little salami as a treat 67
Pancakes that may be served with tvorog 39
Unit of time equal to one million millennia 43
Floats up and down 18
"... not rocket science" 24
Notifications about bad weather, e.g. 37
Straighten up 13
Sheets that get folded 22
Lions' heads of hair 20
Really eager 12
"Laughing" or "mourning" bird 29
Stench 6
Alternative to satellite TV 27
"And suddenly, boom!" 21
Structure similar to a levee 28
snow hut 8
emotional state 15
tenuous 7
ways of behaving 16
cold dry northerly wind 23
rind 4
curved bone 11
repeated 8
malignant substances 20
obsequious 10
examiner of accounts 20
brought into existence 22
stuck together 14
jewelled head-ornament 22
time of the year 16
dashing fellow 14
norwegian capital 17
being very prevalent 20
musical groups 14
roofing items 13
irish republic 14
exclusive story 15
treated with consideration 26
shuns 5
tender 6
resting 7
Unit of weight for gems 23
Group of seven 14
Conceivably 11
Whatever is available 21
Have a powerful impact 22
At minimum cost 15
Discourage 10
A main direct road 18
Person who counts votes 23
An extravagantly comical play 29
A deadly poison 15
To rebuke 9
Understanding 13
Morally depraved 16
Confirm 7
Not censored 12
Endure without protest 22
Monetary value 14
Admit to be true 16
Illuminate 10
A baffling question 19
Straining credibility 21
Unkempt Wind in the Willows character 37
Cot is made up for one patient 30
Be equivalent to a horse for instance 37
Attribute to fractured rib case 31
In heraldry it may be old hat 29
Share out is tried but as an alternative 40
They fly some flag in trouble 29
Boredom in endless night in France 34
I'm the type to stamp something out 35
They won't throw much light on the subject 42
Roman extract of platinum 25
Given instruction in trade organisation 39
Farmers who are also compatriots 32
Examines samples 16
Possibly hear out US writer 27
Country starts making elaborate rococo leather 46
Tricky brainteaser losing entire Iraqi city 43
It takes great effort to produce such a tune 44
Take off pounds of either kind 30
Being stupid I omit to include a phrase 39
Work for Labour for example 27
Given a change of plea, men select a jury 41
The doctor's behind with a banker's order 41
A prison camp child growing up 30
it can be towed 15
old sitcom: the ... 19
affectionately 14
completely finished 19
turn upside-down 16
call it action 14
the loonie, for one 19
religion in african country rising around south 47
office information flipping unknown accountant receives 55
masters here always imposing on head of academy 47
fruit established as the least attractive? 42
core site for redevelopment is secret 37
watch ship transport essentially beauty products 48
credit holland, typically said to guard individual royal regalia 64
confuse unintelligent anglers to some extent 44
artist, streaky perhaps? 24
tempts everyone with solutions conservative missed 50
firm politician, occasionally being scatty with opponents, makes amends 71
more ecofriendly frenchman, say, turns up, tackling republican 62
torn fabric appraised 21
copies manuscript, this writer's since oddly deleted parts 58
overlook old man having extremely shiftless times 49
not conscious of some coat being repaired 41
first off orient behind to hull? 32
comforted about journalist covering live broadcast 50
relaxed conditions for racing after squeamish question's ignored 64
woven cloth, the choice for yorkshire folk? 43
fertiliser amounts i tried to vary 34
cat litter, loose, scattered across half of shop 48
argument with baseball team shortly following game 50
record lasting a long time english student breaks 49
removing all clothing simply nice, rita understood 50
sidekick, unrefined sort of person 34
small crowd welcoming clubs for game 36
disparage staff over flying regularly 37
quarrel seen in bar 19
southern asian robes in silk, initially 39
square generation accepts rise of queen 39
energy supplier connected to star, perhaps 42
shame lifeless sweetheart embracing vacuous geezer 50
victorian english assuming repugnant birthright 47
caricaturist raves, typically about caricature 46
seeming old and wise taking time 32
show hat worn by sailors, maybe 31
circle clearing without a sound 31
enjoyment is over following sudden wind 39
tight lines dressing, say, curvy figure 39
mean state is on decline 24
bond feature with adult content 31
object about channel getting sensational 40
zero time used up around noon 29
observe gathering terror, occasionally looking back 51
drain taking top off jug 24
bombshell split party holding power 35
covering for head of the clergy? 32
attack family over son then hide 32
quiet beer is what produces gas? 32
genuine singing periodically for group again 44
state of organ after tip's cut 30
hone small instrument case for elton 36
upset runner losing international championship 46
bracing air from area with oxygen 33
draw out some caramel on gateau 31
spectacles presented by good girls 34
quickly passed rejected estimate for recount 44
old french artist practically flipped 37
unequipped to cross frozen water plain 38
When one may arrive with letter 31
Producer of fresh asparagus tips with case of rheumatism 56
Top amusements are immoral 26
Valuable plant with hairy edges 31
Remove seat without back, suddenly a problem 44
He left The Beatles after playing with restraint 48
Demo CD tune was off, so made a record 38
One who executes simple men terribly protected 46
Dead rose for middle-aged to clean bed 38
Regularly misused benchmark of clarity 38
With terribly jingoistic cheeers, itches to be left out of celebrations 71
Level a gibe at Prime Minister, for example 43
Impression of a number of soldiers in retreat 45
Could be filed under clout 26
Place underground beneath cut-glass weight in abbey 51
So-called tea cake owned up to being pretentious 48
Revolutionary leaves Rome revealing guilty conscience 53
Today, were we out-manoeuvred a long time ago? 46
Expected to be astonished about small island 44
Where patrons pay to see flats? 31
Starts to bring examiners to a test 35
Supporter of aspiration for department to follow animal unknown by man 70
Inexperienced politician 24
What will be risky contracts 28
Roman general with a hold on his father 39
Brief sampling of retro coin machine 36
Leading on bill for roof insulation 35