All crossword puzzle questions » Solutions starting with y » Page 3

Crossword CluesLetters
Yemen neighbor 14
yacht's sheet 13
you should probably leave well alone …! 41
Young child crying, throwing a wobbly 37
Yankee drone crashed over there 31
Yours truly's so long with an injury in foot parts 50
Young cows 10
youngest daughter on "black-ish" 32
yemen coastal city 18
you might be in one against time 32
YouTube's format 16
Yellowish-brown furniture wood 30
you by the sound of it getting left to stop prop making the final score 71
Yoga need 9
Young girl 10
Yale, Harvard, etc. 19
Yoga pad 8
You square the length of square's side to find it 49
You .. what you sow 19
Yoked beasts 12
Yelled and stamped one's feet, maybe 36
Yearn for 9
you and i return after six to look round 40
you must get the patio converted into an ideal place 52
you're welcome, initials 24
You ... Not Alone 1995 Michael Jackson song 43
Young castrated bull or male ox, especially one that is being reared for beef 77
yearns for bent spine 21
Young eel 9
you should wear it if it fits 29
yours truly meeting french fellow's girl 40
yellow 6
you'd swear it 14
Yellow Brick Road traveler [10th] 33
yell 4
Yikes! A mouse! 15
Yes, in France 14
You ... me at hello (quote from Jerry Maguire) 46
Yale student 12
Yarn 4
Yorkshire batter finally scores, bagging a 6 44
yannick ..., winner of the 1983 french open singles tennis championship 71
Young wizard's wife with list showing craftsperson's tool 57
yearn 5
yeah … pass 13
Yogi's friend to show disapproval twice 39
Young cow yet to calve 22
Young 5
young horses 12
yearning 8
Younger sister of Donald Duck 29
You might follow one on social media 36
Yves of "Jean de Florette" 26
Yellowstone sight 17
Young plant 11
Yellowish-brown fruits in an orchard 36
yields 6
yacht's rope 12
young horse 11
yearly company get-together 27
yearn to be extensive 21
You might slice from it 23
You might stand on them to reach something 42
Years, in Portuguese 20
you can walk all over it? 25
Youthful countenance 20
Yale students 13
Yoga pose 9
You need a username and password to do this 43
Yorke, Radiohead's lead vocalist 32
Yankee retiree's nickname 25
Yukon or Guam [abbr.] 21
Yellow citrus fruit 19
yours, in tours 15
Yale of Yale University 23
Yoga positions 14
you'll need a note for invigorating medicine 44
you'll miss out, love, if slack 31
Yellow and black striped insect 31
Young gremlin is being branded a tosser 39
Youngest "Despicable Me" girl 29
Young boy from Edinburgh 24
Yosemite photographer Adams 27
Younger sister of Patty and Selma Bouvier 41
Years and years 15
young lady 10
Young boy 9
yearns for trees 16
Young lady: one working for special embassy 43
Yellow — no good: grey perhaps? 33
Yukon ..., potato variety that is known for its eye-free skin 61
you might have a row in this about fortune-teller 49
Youngest member of TV's Simpson family 38
young hens must eat mostly fruit seeds 38
you might wear them in the fall 31
young-adult novelist whose works include "legend" and "the young elites" 72
youtuber chamberlain 20
you may break a bad one 23
you'll probably need this, if you're having a row 49
yearbook section: abbr. 23
yesterday, in spanish 21
young maiden sees us city on speed 34
yorkshireman let in 19
yen to follow opsimath's debut novel with a single 50
yearnings 9
young fellas 12
your uncle's kid, to you 24
you are here 12
yank wearing jacket 19
Yellow rental vehicle 21
Yearly business meetings 24
You, 500 years before you were you 34
You, to you 11
Yellowfin tuna that can live upto seven years 45
Young man, in Glasgow 21
Young man 9
You, in a classic 17
Yellow bill in Monopoly 23
yours truly 11
Yam-like root vegetable that originated in Asia 47
You have to give the people what they ____ 42
You’re it! game 17
You have a good _____ of clothes (good choice) 46
Year-ending month, for short 28
Yawning during a conversation, say 34
Yellow soda encouraging drinkers to "Do the __" 47
You may put a gloss on it 25
You use this to row, row, row your boat 39
Young lady, slangily 20
Yell at the opposing team 25
You might expect them to be fighting in the van 47
young hitter's need 19
Yogi Bear's first rare animation? 33
You get the horse after a departure of not so old ? 51
youth protest? 14
Your chance to use a shinobigatana to slice & dice fruit; "Fruit ......" [2010] 79
Yawing: Swinging from side to side 34
Yarn: Indo-European 19
You can make a nice copy of a cat picture using this 52
young member of a rich family 29
Yet they may be used when you speak sharply 43
you might part your hair with this 34
yashwant sinha's budget presented the road map for the growth of india's information technology industry; hence, it is known as ... budget 138