University of South Florida campus | 34 |
Ungraceful fall | 15 |
Utter | 5 |
Untidy condition | 16 |
undergoes corrosion | 19 |
unlike a spendthrift | 20 |
uncover | 7 |
used a snowboard | 16 |
Unrefined oils | 14 |
Uninspired first message on a dating app | 40 |
use a throne | 12 |
us travel authority that checks bags | 36 |
Utilize | 7 |
used for making pupils come clean? rubbish! | 43 |
Unchanged in dialect after reinterpretation | 43 |
Unoriginal article found in Roman dwelling | 42 |
University engaged in supporting a quartet | 42 |
Use trickery, though against it | 31 |
unfurl | 6 |
unruly when over-inquisitive one enters | 39 |
uncaring, even if taking at first not so much | 45 |
Unusual or significant | 22 |
Utter guile — the art of politicians | 38 |
Uncertain, doubtful | 19 |
Unit of time | 12 |
US star of Big and Splash during his early career | 49 |
Upper house of Congress | 23 |
Unruly throng | 13 |
Untidy clutter | 14 |
Unwanted email, frequently | 26 |
Undeterred by neck of land in river | 35 |
Upright vicar let off | 21 |
Unable to act | 13 |
Unit of electric potential | 26 |
Ushers | 6 |
Uncouth and aggressive youth | 28 |
university elements making georgia the home of museveni | 55 |
ultimate outcome when packing equipment in vessel | 49 |
Using computers in nuanced piece of translation | 47 |
Unconcealed | 11 |
Undue self-importance | 21 |
Use as a faster route | 21 |
Unlikely diet fare | 18 |
User-edited website | 19 |
Unusual collectible | 19 |
Untidiness | 10 |
Urban rd. that might cross a street | 35 |
unctuous | 8 |
utilises | 8 |
uncle ---, sheridan le fanu novel | 33 |
unofficial means of communication | 33 |
ultimate goal | 13 |
unpacked a yeast concoction just before lent | 44 |
Upcoming schedule | 17 |
Untruthfully? | 13 |
University allowance | 20 |
Units of laundry | 16 |
unit of land | 12 |
underwater aid | 14 |
Undecided, as a TV schedule: Abbr. | 34 |
US tennis player Arthur, who won three Grand Slams | 50 |
University dons had finally retired, plastered | 46 |
Unsophisticated sort | 20 |
Union job? | 10 |
Unfamiliar | 10 |
Uses a Swiffer, perhaps | 23 |
URL ending for a college | 24 |
Unintoxicated | 13 |
unpaid athletes | 15 |
Unit of farmland | 16 |
University of Notre Dame's state: Abbr. | 39 |
Unusual stage entrances disclose mysterious events | 50 |
Used poor oriental leather | 26 |
Unusually pale soft-centred fruit | 33 |
US uncle moving to centre | 25 |
Upstart backing music location lacks finality | 45 |
Unreal | 6 |
Use as a role model | 19 |
us state that shares a border with british columbia | 51 |
uk music duo; or, a hint to answers to asterisked clues | 55 |
ufo pilots? | 11 |
unusual coin in dish | 20 |
Unemployed force supervised church for government-in-exile | 58 |
Undue speed | 11 |
Unprincipled | 12 |
Unbelted attire | 15 |
Unmannerly guy | 14 |
uses a rose for clusters of flowers | 35 |
under an obligation to be tied up | 33 |
upstanding lad makes a piece of furniture | 41 |
unpleasant person's nasty pun | 29 |
unit of fluid measure equal to one sixtieth of a drachm | 55 |
upholder of petty rules | 23 |
unpredictable element | 21 |
unit in a building [abbr.] | 26 |
unethical | 9 |
upcoming normani album that fans have been waiting literally six years for | 74 |
ungrounded? | 11 |
uneven? | 7 |
updated versions of classic video games, e.g. | 45 |
unsophisticated | 15 |
Uncle Sam's land: Abbr. | 23 |
UFO passenger | 13 |
Untidy stack | 12 |
Uses a Smith Corona | 19 |
Use the + key on a calculator | 29 |
Undergarments sold at Victoria's Secret | 39 |
Unwanted animal in a henhouse | 29 |
US soccer star Wambach | 22 |
Unit of electrical current | 26 |
US frying pans | 14 |
US state, capital Montgomery | 28 |
Unsightly mark | 14 |
Upend | 5 |
unknown bores in bar ordered starters of indian samosas and rice dishes | 71 |
Unusual Times clue for mosquito | 31 |
Unfortunately none obey a single order? | 39 |
UN's ethical bombing for missile installation | 45 |
untidy state | 12 |
unwilling | 9 |
units of electricity | 20 |
undersea boat | 13 |
unfortunately including international's assumed name | 52 |
upper-class | 11 |
Use a loom | 10 |
Uncertainties | 13 |
Upper-left PC key | 17 |
Used a restaurant review site | 29 |
Use credit in a bar: 3 wds. | 27 |
U.S. flag nickname: 3 wds. | 26 |
Uneasy | 6 |
U.S. Capitol feature | 20 |
Unpleasant and unkind | 21 |
Unchanging | 10 |
Unspoken but understood | 23 |
Unlikely to exert oneself | 25 |
Uplift | 6 |
Uncommon sense | 14 |
Unwanted garden plants | 22 |
Unconscious learning method | 27 |
Unabbreviated i.e. | 18 |
U.K. lexicon | 12 |
Uncommonly | 10 |
Unfilled slot abbr. | 19 |
Uninvited visitor at home tense, more vulgar | 44 |
Uneducated kids president holds at first in jails | 49 |
University lab rat on loose in capital | 38 |
Uncle's cat? | 12 |
understood to be in latin | 25 |
unprepared for war breaking out | 31 |
use a shroud, say | 17 |
Used a crowbar | 14 |
Using no professional help, for short | 37 |
Uncooked [like sushi fish] | 26 |
unspecified number or degree | 28 |
Uninspired walker | 17 |
Unlock | 6 |
Unexpected sudden gain | 22 |
Uninterested without leaning to either side | 43 |
US state whose capital is Salt Lake City | 40 |
Unrefined | 9 |
use the hose on a cluster of flowers | 36 |
us author; 1993 nobel prize in literature winner | 48 |
unlucky figure tangles their net | 32 |
Undertakes large welcome for one needing work | 45 |
Ulster's remarkable outcome | 27 |
Unfairly blamed person | 22 |
unable to sing in tune | 22 |
unison | 6 |
unfairly obtain modified text about gold | 40 |
unpaid broadcasting with no end of hitches? | 43 |
US state south of Wyoming | 25 |
Useful possession | 17 |
Unimportant | 11 |
Uncontrolled outdoor blaze | 26 |
Unloading place for ships | 25 |
Use for concealment | 19 |
Unrestrained | 12 |
Unglamorous preparations | 24 |
Unspoiled place | 15 |
Urgent signal | 13 |
Uses scissors | 13 |
up and down, like second column? | 32 |
upset, the first lady is on a horse ride half-cut | 49 |
untroubled | 10 |
unauthorized album drops | 24 |
u-turn from nne | 15 |
unexpressed | 11 |
Unpredictable, without any particular pattern | 45 |
united kingdom of great britain and n. ireland | 46 |
Use for support (2 wds) | 23 |
Uses a spade | 12 |
Update from a pilot, for short | 30 |
Used mop in outlay of fertiliser | 32 |
Uses a spreadsheet's SUM command | 32 |
Upright | 7 |
Unlike a rainforest | 19 |
Unquestioned doctrine | 21 |
unfriendly | 10 |
utter wildly | 12 |