Unlike a shamrock | 17 |
Unfairly enticed | 16 |
Use DraftKings or FanDuel | 25 |
unearthly | 9 |
Used a bike, say | 16 |
Unwanted plant in a garden | 26 |
Undercover work is ultimately prying with no right | 50 |
UPS organised carriers for patrons | 34 |
USA singer and actress who starred in Victorius on TV | 53 |
Unsalaried expert with U2 pilot? | 32 |
unfortunate marsupial turned up behind piano | 44 |
us league with some thrown balls!? | 34 |
Ultra-modern | 12 |
Up character who says I have just met you, and I love you | 57 |
Unified group of voters | 23 |
Underlying reason | 17 |
Undoes a dele | 13 |
Uncooked pastry | 15 |
Unavoidably | 11 |
Univ. club | 10 |
Uses block letters | 18 |
use it to aim a gun, that makes sense! | 38 |
used an odd dessert dish | 24 |
use a stench to discipline | 26 |
unchanged | 9 |
upper wall part | 15 |
unwavering fellow consumed by complicated data | 46 |
Used to be in lower embankment | 30 |
US state whose capital is Baton Rouge | 37 |
unusual bird, duck seen on street, rolling in it | 48 |
Unshiny photo surface | 21 |
Upset tummy | 11 |
Unhip one | 9 |
Urban road | 10 |
US labor law that provides job-protected leave | 46 |
Unusual shape designed for inflexibility | 40 |
upward slope | 12 |
uncontrolled | 12 |
uppermost part | 14 |
unprocessed | 11 |
use this for carrying bricks | 28 |
unselfish people | 16 |
unpleasant or evil place | 24 |
unlawfully absent | 17 |
unmarried men | 13 |
urban areas | 11 |
Uses a convection oven to make crispy food, say [2 wds] | 55 |
U.S. World Cup gold medalist Markgraf | 37 |
unexpected turn of events | 25 |
ultra- | 6 |
unnatural paleness | 18 |
upper leg | 9 |
used teeth | 10 |
us university near venice beach, california | 43 |
Unnamed actor in Wessex tragedy | 31 |
Unique occurrence | 17 |
Unspecified person | 18 |
Unsubstantiated | 15 |
Utter in a musical way | 22 |
understand seller keeps one to last the course | 46 |
ultimately the senses help body clock | 37 |
uncertain home repairs around that place, mostly | 48 |
unhappy over copyright for musical work | 39 |
Unpaid bills | 12 |
Use a stopwatch on | 18 |
Usher's milieu | 14 |
Unrelenting | 11 |
Uriah Heep persona | 18 |
Unusual for these parts | 23 |
Untainted environments | 22 |
unhappiness | 11 |
unusual part for a real actor | 29 |
unbeliever wrongly acting so | 28 |
uber-brainy mock the week chairman, ... o'briain | 48 |
Unexpected occurrence | 21 |
understood, had the facts about | 31 |
Unhittable tennis serve | 23 |
Unable to sleep | 15 |
Unforgettable event that shapes who you are | 43 |
Unpredictable | 13 |
underwater boat | 15 |
Undoing | 7 |
U.S. program that provides international aid: 2 wds. | 52 |
Unusable material or garbage | 28 |
US state abbreviated DE | 23 |
Use this pasta to make a classic cheesy dish | 44 |
Unexpectedly | 12 |
US 'Gem State' | 14 |
Unlawful | 8 |
Upright tripod | 14 |
Unclothed statue | 16 |
US espionage group: Abbr. | 25 |
Underwater vessel, for short | 28 |
Unlike non sequiturs | 20 |
Unappreciated | 13 |
Ultimatum | 9 |
use up [energy] | 15 |
Uber approximation: Abbr. | 25 |
u.s. representative ilhan of minnesota | 38 |
ultrarare nfl point total | 25 |
unfortunate learner entering awkward phases | 43 |
uneven thing put on eye by unknown character | 44 |
Upscale hotel chain | 19 |
Unagi roll protein | 18 |
Uninhibitedly self-assertive | 28 |
used by those who write to query examination assessments | 56 |
Unkindness in Norfolk town with ruler failing | 45 |
us television series starring james garner in the title role as a private investigator | 86 |
Ukrainian-born writer [1809-52] | 31 |
unpleasantly damp | 17 |
Unknown organs lasting for ages | 31 |
Unprocessed product used in manufacturing | 41 |
unfortunately locked in mental asylum | 37 |
Unconfident assent | 18 |
Unruly mane | 11 |
US state with capital Columbus | 30 |
Unhapp | 6 |
Utensil to serve ice cream | 26 |
Urban recreation ctrs. | 22 |
u.s. agcy. that issues tax ids | 30 |
unit of currency in chengdu | 27 |
uttar pradesh site with a famous mausoleum | 42 |
us soldiers | 11 |
uzo in 2019's "miss virginia" | 29 |
über relative | 14 |
Up for anything | 15 |
Unverified information | 22 |
Ursine mammal | 13 |
Unquestioned supremacy not a condition to set the world alight? | 63 |
unionists milled around showing sense of lost hope | 50 |
Underlying layers | 17 |
Upright in a timber framework | 29 |
uriah .... , david copperfield character | 40 |
Utah city | 9 |
USO patrons | 11 |
Untroubled state | 16 |
Under ... [not yet fixed] | 25 |
Untended candles, frayed wires, etc. | 36 |
Underway | 8 |
Unorthodox doctrine | 19 |
Up to date with news etc. | 25 |
Urge strongly | 13 |
Unusually luxurious | 19 |
Unexpected development in dance | 31 |
us state; capital juneau | 24 |
unsullied by european pulp | 26 |
utilise | 7 |
unsteady | 8 |
usually | 7 |
u.s. poet born in 1902 noted for his light verse | 48 |
use an acetylene torch | 22 |
UK's medical organisation [inits] | 33 |
Unitized | 8 |
Unrealistic hope | 16 |
Unit of butter | 14 |
underground network | 19 |
Uniting idea | 12 |
US agency which protects the public's health | 44 |
Unusual, peculiar | 17 |
Unusual and mysterious event | 28 |
used bottles | 12 |
upset | 5 |
Undeserved judgment, informally | 31 |
Useful ability | 14 |
Utmost degree | 13 |
Upscale hotel amenity | 21 |
Unsteady, liable to fall | 24 |
urban area | 10 |
units of heredity | 17 |
unlike eton or harrow, e.g. | 27 |
unconcerned gesture | 19 |
Unpleasant prison sentence at Greenwich? | 40 |
Upper room in flat, tickety-boo | 31 |
Unmoored | 8 |
Unwrap a present | 16 |
Unit of domestic power | 22 |
uses veto power | 15 |
using some of the bearings, it earmarks the spot | 48 |
unpunished glaswegian, unrestricted | 35 |
Usually, I'm alone in a bar - about 1,000 beers I've drunk | 58 |
unaccompanied small arias | 25 |
umbrella | 8 |
Underground chamber for holding prisoners | 41 |
US state settled by Mormons in 1847 | 35 |
upper part | 10 |
unknown competitor | 18 |
Use dynamite | 12 |
Umpteen | 7 |
US five-cent piece | 18 |
Uncommon occurrence | 19 |
Unruly rabble | 13 |
Use a riddle | 12 |
us tennis champion's cricket trophy | 35 |
Up-market food and drinking establishment | 41 |
US state known for its potatoes | 31 |
Unlikely, as chances | 20 |
Used DoorDash, say | 18 |
Utter foolishness | 17 |
US state in which Las Vegas is situated | 39 |
US coin worth five cents | 24 |