All crossword puzzle questions » Solutions starting with o » Page 14

Crossword CluesLetters
Old republic quietly leads another 34
One in unusual stress doesn't give in 37
Outlaw ridiculous road speed 28
One unspecified area west of New York 37
off-white colour 16
oboe parts 10
one upon ---, traditional introduction 38
one who suggests another's name for a post or as member of a body 65
one in an olympic swimming pool measures 50 metres 50
old ........, a nickname of king charles ii based on his horse 62
on the ........, expression meaning 'in succession' 51
one supporting established inhabitants' needs in a given area over those of immigrants 86
old english expression in short in west country place 53
one filling in survey is sad with republican ousting democrat 61
Of distant astronomical objects 31
Ostentatious 12
One who fights in a ring 24
Old coaching houses 19
One is accepted by singer's foundation 38
One without setting for fish 28
Ordained minister 17
Oberon's wife in A Midsummer Night's Dream 42
Ore ......, TV presenter and Strictly winner in 2016 52
Only the ......, Roy Orbison song 33
Older 5
Omit, leave out 15
Observes, quaintly 18
One-named Italian model [who can't believe it's not butter!] 60
Org. in many Tom Clancy novels 30
Objects of adoration 20
Opportune 9
One's discipline 16
One of the Dutch 16
Occupies a chair 16
Old Testament queen 19
Opposite of infra- 18
on the med, e.g. 16
one in a powerful suit back in hot seat 39
one more than bi- 17
Own up [to] 11
os publications 15
onager, e.g. 12
old radio parts of the highest repute 37
one hundred that is about to freeze 35
one whose performance may set people reeling 44
one runs for a long time 24
ordeal 6
okay, on the radio 18
Organization founded by Billie Jean King: Abbr. 47
Oscar or Golden Globe, e.g. 27
Opposite of downtown 20
old term for pupils 19
outing where one ends at the start 34
one of two brothers in lewis carroll's 'through the looking-glass' 66
one of two identical detectives in the 'tintin' series by herg' 63
originally, the soldiers of cavalry in hungary in the 15th century 66
Ordinary, average man in the street 35
Ornamental box, part of traditional Japanese dress 50
One statute I'd raised for Hindu festival 41
Off topic, is he a pointless nut? 33
One of eight for a spider 25
Orange tuber 12
Overcharge and then some 24
Oolong or souchong 18
Ornate vase 11
One of the Obama daughters 26
Oceanographers use them to measure depth 40
One of two on a Bactrian camel 30
Opposite of bought 18
Online Q&A sesh 15
of the highest excellence 25
On trial 8
Old instrument sounds unreliable 32
Old songs left for silly people mostly to collect 49
One king guarding another that is less discreet 47
One starting a new life being married, I concede 48
One sharing job perhaps is to leave with watch 46
Of the pontiff 14
of the voice 12
one in charge of a gaming table 31
open car 8
object studied by a vexillologist 33
organ of the body affected by dermatitis 40
old boy with nothing left has greek coin 40
object 6
oil field in the north sea that began production in 1975 56
Ossicles' site 14
Officeholder 12
One paying dues: Abbr. 22
O'Donnell of TV and film 24
Open, as a sleeping bag 23
Organic sealant 15
Overextend yourself 19
Outfits for many cinema stars 29
One with silver-plated keys 27
Of the, to Ottavia 18
Occupy completely 17
One-person performance 22
one portion is minute showing impracticality 44
overshadow 10
opera house boxes 17
open-wheel racing vehicle on a dirt track 41
openings at a news department? 30
org. that has been sued by the aclu over surveillance of racial justice activists 81
oktoberfest tune 16
old crime boss frank 20
olympics chant 14
outer opening? 14
orlando attraction 18
one of 16 in a chess set 24
overly critical 15
olive discards 14
ode dedicatees 14
one participating in an ama, perhaps 36
outer pieces of a jigsaw puzzle 31
onetime capital of japan 24
originally called 17
overabundance 13
old witch 9
offshore 8
Often-frayed parts of papyrus 29
overcome - because subscription hasn't yet been paid? 53
one's choice of tools 21
organ of hearing - literally! 29
one of minor interest in the legal profession? 46
one dispatching illegally 25
one loses marks using it 24
One of two openings under a bridge 34
Otherwise, university in London's backing English 49
opposite of pro 15
one of the kray twins 21
otorhinolaryngology 19
olympic venue in 2000 21
operating 9
One gemstone [1665] 19
One of 51 written by Alexander Hamilton for the Federalist Papers 65
One of a pair at the dining table 33
Outputs from brainstorming sessions 35
Old free online Microsoft communication service 47
Obstruct by defamation, often in politics 41
online selling platform for creative goods 42
Of considerable size 20
Only half of Spanish football team in field 43
One of the sections into which a long poem may be divided 57
Ordered in car - flashy Nimbus 30
Obstructive bureaucracy 23
Outline of a book or movie 26
Organized coalition of workers 30
One of the B vitamins 21
Oft-torn knee part, for short 29
Oh boy! All round publicity 27
One gets nothing but pleasure from this job 43
Open with a shock 17
one diverts fledgling aerial carrier near delivery 50
of or relating to the king and or his knights of the round table 64
oil measure abbr 16
oratory 7
on her plan, it's a flighty angler 34
ovine cry 9
occurrence 10
old cleaning woman seen in road by garden of fruit trees 56
one fled this country 21
Old country having changed so I read, capital in Harare brought in 66
Old player filling sandwiches with a minimum of gruyere 55
One more article, different 27
Old comedy series set in occupied France 40
One of the official language of Switzerland 43
One of DH Lawrence's Women in Love 34
Offered as payment 18
Opposite of 'full' 18
Old Russian ruler 17
old vehicles from church, with a bold, colourful display on sabbath 67
old pc from celebrated british designer, short of some memory 61
officer distributing charity money – old medical social worker 64
over-the-shoulder carrier 25
On a cruise, maybe 18
Orchestra section 17
Ostrichlike birds 17
Owner of Canis Major 20
Oracular signs 14
Of pigeons and petrels 22
Online message 14
Open-handed hit 15
Once and for .. [permanently] 29
Office cubicle divider 22
org. that might organize a car wash at a school 47
old-fashioned insult 20
one who may taunt "mom loves me best" 37
opposing 8
one of the three rivers stadium rivers 38
odyssey maker 13
one direction and onerepublic, e.g. 35
One way to be left 18
One in the last line of defense, typically 42
One born in late July, astrologically 37
Oozes slowly 12
one, to helmut 14
outlet 6
offering 8
one of little importance is a problem for the murder detective! 63